Thank you, Canberra 2023

Thank you, Canberra

2023 Canberra Day Appeal

The 2023 Canberra Day Appeal – with Hands Up for CBR Giving Day on 8 March – has come to end. We are delighted to announce that we passed our target of $10,000, raising a total of $10,238!

From our team, thank you to everyone who made a donation and shared updates about the Appeal, your generous support has made a huge difference!

Funds raised through the Appeal will help us to continue to delivery essential services for our guests and provide a safe space where they are part of a community that supports them.

We would also like to thank the team from Hands Across Canberra for their hard work coordinating the annual Appeal. None of this would be possible without this incredible organisation supporting local charities and community groups.

Thank you, Canberra
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